Pflugerville High School is a scholarly community devoted to learning and the creation of knowledge. We – the scholarly community of Pflugerville High School, including the faculty and students – view integrity as the basis for intellectual discovery, artistic creation, independent scholarship, and meaningful collaboration. We thus hold honesty – in the representation of our work and in our interactions with teachers, advisers, peers, and students – as the foundation of our community.
Cheating and Plagiarism
Cheating is defined as giving or receiving, and/or using unauthorized information, on any graded assignment, or submitting duplicate work for individual assignments. Any student involved in an instance of cheating will have his paper taken and a grade of zero given. A disciplinary consequence may be assigned to a student found guilty of cheating. Plagiarism consists of representing another person’s ideas or writing as one’s own. Plagiarism will be considered cheating and the student may be subject to disciplinary action.
Examples of Violations
Violations include, but are not limited to the following:
- Plagiarism – using the words or ideas of another as if they were one’s own without giving the author or creator credit through proper documentation or recognition, as through the use of footnotes.
- Using unauthorized sources in preparation of your work.
- Copying from another student’s exam, paper or assignment
- Revealing the content of an exam to students in other classes who have not yet taken the exam
- Use of materials not authorized during a test; eg., notes, textbook, notes written on any part of your body or clothing including hats and shoes
- Submitting a paper, report, examination, or any class assignment which has been altered or corrected, in part or in whole, for reevaluation or re-grading without the consent of the instructor
- Enlisting the assistance of another to write a paper, or writing a paper for someone.
- Selling, giving, lending, or otherwise furnishing to any other person any material (homework assignments, tests, etc.), whether electronically or otherwise which can be shown to contain the questions or answers to any examination scheduled to be given at some subsequent date in any course of study, excluding questions and answers from tests previously administered and returned to a student by the instructor.
- Altering or attempting to alter any official Pflugerville High School document.
- An instructor may delineate other actions he or she considers a violation of the Code in a written course syllabus.
A grade of zero on the examination, project, paper, etc., with no opportunity to re-test or replace that grade. The notation “assigned for academic dishonesty” will be placed in the gradebook. Written notification of the violation and the consequence will be provided to the administration, counseling staff, and sponsors of any extracurricular activity, including but not limited to NHS. The student may also be subject to additional disciplinary action.