Attendance Policy
Attendance Policy
When picking your student up early from school, please sign your student out at the attendance window in the main hallway. If you are sending a friend or family member, they must be listed on your student’s emergency contact list in order to sign them out.
If they are not on the list, they will not be allowed to sign them out. Anyone signing a student out must show a photo ID or the student will not be released from class. Because our final bell rings at 4:15 pm, students cannot be checked out after 4 pm.
If a student is returning from a doctor’s appointment, the student will need to sign in at the attendance window and turn in the doctor’s note to the window attendant. The parent does not need to sign the student in. If a student arrives late for school for any reason other than a doctor’s appointment, they will be directed to the tardy window to receive a tardy slip. Our school messenger will call you when your student is absent for a class period. You can verify which class period your student missed through the Skyward parent portal. If you have questions regarding your student being counted absent for a class period, please contact your student’s teacher for that class period. The teacher will either forward a correction to the attendance office or explain why your student was not in class.
A student is considered absent after the first 15 minutes of class. If your student is out of class at any time during the day, please make sure your student turns in a note to the attendance office. Students have 3 days upon returning to school to turn in their excuse notes. Students are allowed a total of 9 absences within a 6-month period per class. If an emergency arises, please stop by the attendance office or contact your Assistant Principal. A note signed by the student, even with the parent’s permission, will not be accepted unless the student is self-enrolled.
Warning letters will be sent home when your student reaches their 3rd and 7th absence. On the 10th absence, your student will be filed on with the Truancy Court. You will receive notification from the court when you have been filed on asking you to appear in front of a judge to explain your student’s excessive absences. For information regarding letters, please contact: Ja'Coyia Kinney at 512 594 0543 for (A-L) or Krista Fishback at 512 594 0523 for (M-Z).
Documents for excused absences (not filed in court) are as follows and should be emailed to Cathy Martinez at :
- Doctor’s excuse note with the date of appointment: Doctor’s notes are not to be altered in any way. These are legal documents with your doctor’s signature. Please do not change the dates. The doctor’s office can file charges on you for altered notes, as well as notes that are stolen from their office.
- Doctor’s receipt: A receipt from the doctor’s office will be accepted if it has the student’s name and date of visit.
- Court paper documents showing that your student appeared in court.
- College visits for 11th and 12th graders (2 per year): Pick up a pre-approved college visit form from the attendance office. While visiting the college, you must secure documentation (Example: letterhead) to verify the visit. Within two days of returning to school, submit the completed pre-approved college visit form and verification of visit documentation to the attendance office.
- Calendar of religious holidays: Excuse notes must be on the letterhead of the organization.
- Funerals: You will need to turn in a funeral program from the funeral service to the attendance office. Please inform your principal prior to your absence if you will be out for a period of time so that arrangements can be made. Only one absence will be excused for local funerals and three for out-of-town funerals.
Make-up hours are required for students to receive credit in a class. A student must attend at least 90 % of the days the class is offered. A student who attends at least 75% but fewer than 90% of the days the class is offered may receive credit for the class if he or she completes a plan, approved by their assistant principal, which allows the student to fulfill the instructional requirements for the class. If a student attends less than 75% then they are in danger of not receiving credit and an attendance review committee can meet to determine if there are extenuating circumstances. Your student will not receive credit at the end of each semester unless they have completed the hours owed. If you have any questions about your Pflugerville High School student's attendance, please contact Ja'Coyia Kinney (A-L) at (512) 594-0523 or Krista Fishback (M-Z) at (512) 594-0423.
What is the Tardy Policy?
If a student is tardy, late within 15 minutes of the start of each class, students have to report to the attendance window with their ID's in order to receive a pass to class. PHS uses a system called the Tardy Calculator which tracks the number of tardies and issues consequences:
Tardy Consequences: Level 1: Tardy issues a Warning
Level 2: Tardy issues a Warning
Level 3: Tardy issues a Warning
Level 4: Tardy issues an After-School Detention
Level 5: Tardy issues an After-School Detention
Level 6: Tardy issues a Saturday Detention
Level 7: Tardy issues a ISS ( In-School Suspension).
Student must see their AP for a conference
Note: Tardies refresh each six (6) weeks. If a consequence is served, the student drops back to the previous level, to begin the consequence system again.