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Pflugerville High School

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Medication Guidelines

No students are allowed to have medication in their possession during school hours with the exception of students with diabetes, emergency anaphylaxis medication, and asthma, and then only if the appropriate forms are completed and the student is able to follow the rules.

If at all possible, the child’s medication plan should be such that all medicine could be given outside of school hours. The guidelines listed below must be followed to dispense medications at school.
  • A Health Services consent to dispense medication form is completed and given to the school nurse with the prescription and/or non-prescription medication. When prescriptions are filled, ask for two labeled containers: one for school, one for home.
  • Any sample medication prescribed by the practitioner must be labeled and accompanied by a prescription, and the parent must complete consent to dispense medication form.
  • No intravenous, intramuscular or subcutaneous medications, with the exception of diabetes medications or epinephrine will be considered for administration at school.
  • No herbal medications or products, medications from another country or in a language other than English, outdated medications, trial or study medications will be administered during school hours by the school nurse.
  • The district is not responsible to provide medications for students or the adjunct equipment to deliver the medication (example: nebulizer or oxygen, and the tubing or face mask).
  • Students with asthma are permitted by law to self-administer their asthma medication provided that the permission to self administer asthma medication form is signed by the student, parent, and the practitioner prescribing the medication on a yearly basis. Students with asthma are expected to report recurrent or worsening symptoms to the nurse, so that the parent may be notified of the student’s current condition, and the asthma action plan may be altered.
  • Only those medications utilized for first aid and listed within the Physician’s Order for Over the Counter Medications for Dispensation by the School Nurse will be given to students. Examples of these types of medication include: hydrogen peroxide, antibiotic ointment, and Caladryl. Medications not included are: Tylenol, Tums, and “cough drops” as an example.
  • In the event that the School Nurse performs numerous therapies and treatments for students served under special programs, there are numerous prescription medications to be administered, or there is inadequate space to lock medications on a campus, the ability to dispense non-prescription medications may vary from campus to campus.
  • The School Nurse retains the right to refuse to dispense the medication during school hours, if in his/her opinion it is in conflict with the Texas Board of Nurse Examiners Rules and Regulations, or the medication is not labeled by the FDA for the age group or purpose for which it is requested to be given. A request for a physician to clarify orders or have ongoing communication to address health issues may occur.
  • It is the parent’s responsibility to obtain medication from the school nurse on or before the last day of school. All medications will then be discarded.
  • Parents are also responsible to take the medication from one school to the next in case the student changes campuses during the school year, transfer forms for administration, and visit with the new school nurse about their child’s special needs.